How To Remove Wet Dog Smell From Carpet

Getting rid of that wet dog smell from your carpets can be tough. But don’t worry, we’ve got you covered! In this blog post, we’ll show you how to remove wet dog smell from carpets quickly and easily. So if you’re looking for a way to get rid of that damp canine scent, read on!

Create an Action Plan

If you’re looking for an easy and natural way to remove pet odors from your carpet, baking soda can be your savior. Start by sprinkling a generous amount of baking soda onto the affected area and leaving it to work its magic overnight. Then, vaccum up the baking soda and you’ll be ready to move on to the next step – creating an action plan.

Creating an action plan is essential for getting rid of pet odors from carpets. It will help you organize your cleaning process and make sure that all the necessary steps are taken. Here are a few things to keep in mind when creating your action plan: steam cleaning, using a hydrogen peroxide-based cleaner, cleaning the rug or carpet before it dries, and using a brush or cloth to scrub the carpet after applying the solution. By following these steps, you will be able to effectively remove pet odors from your carpet and prevent future odors with proper care.

Vacuum the Carpet

Before you begin the cleaning process, you’ll want to make sure to vacuum the carpet thoroughly. This will help dislodge any large particles that may be lingering in the fibers of the carpet. Once you’ve finished vacuuming, you’ll be ready to move on to the next step in removing wet dog smell from your carpet.

Mix a Cleaning Solution

Once you’ve vacuumed the carpet, it’s time to mix a cleaning solution. Baking soda is a great all-natural odor neutralizer, so you can sprinkle a liberal amount on the affected area and let it sit overnight to do its magic. Additionally, you can make a hydrogen peroxide-based cleaner with Bodhi Dog Natural Dog Odor Carpet Powder. Soak a towel in the solution and leave it on the affected area for 15 minutes before cleaning and rinsing it with water. Finally, dry the carpet with a towel or dryer to prevent wet dog smells from forming in the future.

Test the Solution on a Small Area

Once you’ve mixed the cleaning solution, it’s important to test it on a small, inconspicuous area of the carpet to make sure that it won’t damage the material. If it doesn’t cause any issues, you can move forward with applying it to the affected area. Once you’ve tested the solution and established that it won’t cause any damage, you can move on to the next step.

Apply the Solution to the Carpet

Apply the Solution to the Carpet

Now that you have mixed your cleaning solution, it’s time to apply it to the soiled carpet. Using a spray bottle, generously spray the affected area and make sure that the entire area is saturated. Once you have finished, allow the solution to sit for 15 minutes so that it has adequate time to soak in and break down the odors. Do not let the solution dry on the carpet, as this will leave a residue.

Let the Solution Sit for 15 Minutes

After you’ve applied the cleaning solution to the affected area, it’s time to let it sit for 15 minutes. This gives the solution ample time to penetrate deep into the carpet and break apart any lingering odors. During this time, you can take other steps to help remove the smell, such as using baking soda or steam cleaning your carpet. After you’ve let the solution sit for 15 minutes, you can move on to scrubbing the carpet with a brush or cloth.

Scrub the Carpet With a Brush or Cloth

Once the cleaning solution has been applied and allowed to sit for 15 minutes, the next step is to scrub the carpet with a brush or cloth. This will help ensure that the cleaning solution has been thoroughly worked into the carpet fibers and that any odors have been removed. After scrubbing, it is important to rinse away any remaining cleaning solution with water. This can be done with a garden hose, a bucket of water, or a wet/dry vacuum.

Rinse the Carpet With Water

After the cleaning solution has been allowed to sit for 15 minutes, it’s time to rinse the carpet with water. To do so, use a clean wet cloth or sponge to remove the solution and dirt from the carpet. Make sure to rinse thoroughly and pay special attention to areas where pets have urinated. Once you’ve successfully removed the mess, dry the carpet with a clean towel or dryer. This will help to further remove any lingering odors and make your carpet look like new again.

Dry the Carpet With a Towel or Dryer

After scrubbing the carpet, it’s important to rinse and dry it to ensure all the cleaning solution is removed. Use a towel to soak up the excess water and then use a hairdryer to dry the remaining moisture. It is important that you dry the carpet completely, as dampness can lead to mold growth and other issues. After drying, the carpet should be free of any wet dog smell.

Prevent Future Odors With Proper Care

Once you’ve removed the odors from your carpet, you’ll want to make sure they don’t come back. To prevent future odors from developing, vacuum your carpet regularly and use baking soda to absorb any pet odors. You can also steam your carpet to deep clean it and remove any lingering odors. Finally, use a hydrogen peroxide-based cleaner and a cloth to spot clean any areas that your pet has soiled. With these simple steps, you can keep your carpets smelling fresh and free of pet odors.

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