How To Remove Grease From Range Hood Filter

Are you struggling to remove stubborn grease from your range hood filter? If so, don’t worry – we’ve got you covered! In this blog post, we’ll show you some easy and effective techniques for getting rid of grease and restoring your range hood filter to its former glory. Keep reading to learn more!

Prepare the Cleaning Solution

It’s important to prepare a cleaning solution before starting the task of removing grease from a range hood filter. Hot, soapy water and a degreaser or ammonia can be used to create a powerful cleaning solution. Fill a large stock pot or sink with the solution, making sure it’s big enough for your range hood filter to fit in. Once the cleaning solution is prepared, you’re ready to move on to the next step.

Remove the Filter

Removing the filter is the first step in cleaning your range hood filter. Depending on the type of filter you have, it may slide out or it may require you to find the latch that will release it. Once the filter is out, you can proceed to the next step.

Soak the Filter in Cleaning Solution

Once you have your filter in the sink, pot or bucket, it is time to soak it in a cleaning solution. You can use a dish soap and hot water solution, or you can add a small amount of degreaser or ammonia for a more thorough clean. Let the filter soak for at least 15 minutes to make sure all the grease is loosened. After soaking, use a nylon brush to scrub the filter and make sure all the grease is removed.

Scrub the Filter with a Nylon Brush

Scrub the Filter with a Nylon Brush Range Hood Filter

Once the filter has been soaking for a few minutes, you can scrub it with a nylon brush. This will help to remove the stubborn grease and grime that has built up. Be sure to use light pressure when scrubbing so you don’t damage the filter. After you’ve scrubbed the filter, rinse it off with hot water to ensure all the dirt and grime has been removed.

Rinse the Filter

After scrubbing the filter with a nylon brush, it’s time to rinse it off. Make sure to rinse the filter thoroughly to remove any remaining cleaning solution and grease. Use hot water and be sure to rinse both sides of the filter. After rinsing, transfer the filter to a clean surface, such as a towel, and dry it off with a paper towel or cloth. Once the filter is dry, it’s ready to be replaced.

Dry the Filter

After rinsing the filter with hot water, it is important to dry the filter completely before re-installing it. This can be done by wiping the filter with a soft cloth or placing it in a warm oven on a low heat for a few minutes. Once the filter is dry, it can be re-installed into the range hood. It is important to remember to switch off the power supply to the range hood before attempting to replace the filter.

Replace the Filter

Once your filter is completely dry, you can then move on to the next step which is replacing the filter. Make sure that your filter is in the right place and secure it by pushing it into place. Once your range hood filter is in place, you can then move on to the next step which is cleaning the grease from the range hood exterior and interior.

Clean the Grease from the Range Hood Exterior

Once the filter has been removed, cleaned and dried, it’s time to tackle the grease on the range hood exterior. Using a degreasing cleaner and a damp cloth, wipe down the exterior of the range hood. Make sure to focus on any areas where grease may have built up. It may be necessary to wait for the degreaser to sit for a few minutes before wiping it away. Be careful not to scrub too hard as this could damage the finish of the range hood. Once all of the grease has been removed, rinse the degreaser off with a damp cloth and then dry it off with a clean towel.

Clean the Grease from the Range Hood Interior

Once you’ve finished cleaning the exterior of your range hood, it’s time to move on to the interior. Start by wiping down the interior of the hood and removing any grease. You can use a damp cloth and all-purpose cleaner to do this. Be sure to cover any electrical components with a damp cloth to avoid any damage. Once you’ve wiped down the interior of your range hood, you can move on to replacing the filter.

Maintain Your Range Hood Filters Regularly

Maintaining your range hood filter regularly is the best way to ensure that it remains free of grease and dirt. To keep it in top condition, it is recommended that you clean your filters every three months or so. This will help prevent any build-up of grease and dirt that can affect the performance of your range hood. By following these simple steps, you can have a clean, efficient range hood filter that will last for years to come.
