How To Remove Burn Marks From Granite Countertops

Accidents happen. If you’ve managed to burn your granite countertop, don’t worry – all is not lost! Here, we cover the steps you need to take in order to safely and effectively remove burn marks from granite countertops. Keep reading for tips on how to get your kitchen looking as good as new again.

Assess the Damage

Before attempting any type of cleaning, it is important to assess the damage to the granite countertop. Check for discolouration, heat damage and other marks, and keep in mind that some marks may not be removable. Once you have determined the extent of the damage, you can begin to gather the supplies needed for the removal process.

Gather Supplies

Once you have assessed the damage to your granite countertop, it’s time to gather the supplies you’ll need for the job. To remove burn marks, you’ll need baking soda, hydrogen peroxide, salt and lemon wedges. You’ll also need a soft cloth and sealant, if necessary. Make sure you have all these items on hand before you begin cleaning the surface.

Gently Clean the Surface

Once you have gathered the supplies, you need to gently clean the surface. Use a mild dish soap and warm water to remove any dirt, debris, and grease. Take care not to scrub too hard, as this could damage the granite countertop further. After cleaning, thoroughly rinse and dry the area with a soft cloth. Once the surface is dry, you can move on to the next step.

Make a Mild Abrasive Paste

Once you have assessed the damage, gathered your cleaning supplies and gently cleaned the surface, it’s time to make a mild abrasive paste. Baking soda works excellent against stains, and it collectively works with water and puts all the stains out from any surface. Hydrogen peroxide is another effective method to remove burn marks from granite countertops. You can also try sprinkling salt on the burned area and rubbing it with lemon wedges, allowing this mixture to sit for six to eight hours. Blot up as much of the offending substance as possible before continuing to the next step.

Apply the Paste to the Burn Mark

Apply the Paste to the Burn Mark

Once you have gathered all of the supplies, it’s time to apply the paste to the burn mark. Make sure to cover both the heat mark and the surrounding area with the paste. Use a soft cloth or a gentle scrubbing pad and work in circular motions. This will help to ensure that the abrasive paste is evenly distributed over the affected area. Be sure to keep your movements gentle and be careful not to scratch or damage the granite surface. Once you have applied the paste, allow it to sit for a few minutes before proceeding to the next step.

Scrub the Granite Countertop

Once the abrasive paste has been applied, use a soft nylon brush to scrub the granite countertop. Use a circular motion to ensure that the paste is evenly distributed. Scrub gently so as not to damage the granite. After scrubbing, rinse the countertop with warm water and dry it with a soft cloth. If the burn mark is still visible, repeat the process until the mark is completely gone. Be sure to rinse and dry the area after each application. Once the burn mark has been removed, you may need to reapply sealant to the area to protect it from future damage.

Polish the Surface with a Soft Cloth

After scrubbing the granite countertop with the abrasive paste, the surface should be polished with a soft cloth. This will help to smooth out any rough patches that may have formed due to the scrubbing. Polishing the granite countertop will also help to restore its shine and luster. A microfiber cloth is a good choice for this step as it will not scratch the granite surface. Gently wipe the cloth in a circular motion over the granite countertop until it is clean and polished.

Rinse and Dry the Area

Once you have scrubbed your granite countertop, rinse the area with warm water and dry it with a soft cloth. Ensure that all the abrasive paste is removed from the surface. To get rid of any remaining residue, you can use a mild cleaner. Make sure the area is completely dry before moving on to the next step.

Reapply Sealant as Needed

Once the burn mark is completely removed, you will need to reapply sealant to the granite countertop. This will help protect the surface from future damage and prevent staining. It is important to use a sealant specifically designed for granite countertops in order to get the best results. Applying sealant is easy, as all you need to do is spread it over the surface and let it dry. Once it is dry, your granite countertop will be good as new!

Prevent Future Damage

After the burn mark has been removed, it is important to take measures to prevent future damage. Granite countertops are durable and resilient, however, they can still be susceptible to damage due to extreme temperatures. To prevent future burn marks, consider using a heat mat or trivets when placing hot items on the countertop. This will help protect the surface from heat damage and keep your granite countertop looking beautiful for years to come.

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