How To Get Rid Of Carpenter Ants In Walls

Are you dealing with an invasion of carpenter ants in your walls? Don’t worry – we’ve got the perfect solution for you! In this blog post, we’ll share our top tips on how to get rid of carpenter ants in walls. From natural remedies to professional solutions, we have everything you need to finally get rid of these pesky pests.

Identify Carpenter Ants

It is important to be able to identify carpenter ants in order to properly assess the issue and determine the best course of action. Carpenter ants are usually black in color, have a strong mandible, and can grow up to 1/2 inch in length. They can be found in walls, ceilings, and other wooden structures. To further identify carpenter ants, look for frass (fine sawdust) on floors or the ground next to walls or clung to them around tiny holes. If you’re still unsure if you have a carpenter ant infestation, contact a professional pest control service for assistance.

Check for Moisture in Walls

It’s also important to check for moisture in the walls as it can attract carpenter ants to your home. Look for signs of water damage or wet wood and take steps to dry out any affected areas. Additionally, you should consider replacing any wet or decaying wood in the walls and seal any entry points which may have been created by water damage. This will help prevent any further carpenter ant infestations.

Seal Entry Points

Once you have identified the ant species, it is important to seal entry points to prevent their return. Carpenter ants are able to gain access to your walls through small openings and cracks. Inspect the exterior walls of your home and seal any gaps or holes with caulk, foam, or steel wool. Additionally, check for holes in wooden furniture, as carpenter ants are able to enter through these as well. This will help to prevent carpenter ants from re-entering your walls and invading your home again.

Remove Food Sources

Once you have identified the carpenter ants and checked for moisture in your walls, the next step is to remove food sources to discourage them from entering your home. Carpenter ants feed on many substances like sweet, sugary food and liquid. Make sure to keep counters and tables clean and free of crumbs or any other food residue. In addition, make sure that all food is stored in airtight containers or in the refrigerator. Doing so will prevent the ants from accessing the food and keep them away from your home.

Set Up Traps

Setting up traps is an effective way to get rid of carpenter ants in walls. After identifying the carpenter ants, the next step is to set up traps near the areas where they are active. The traps should contain a food source such as sugar water or borax mixed with sugar water. This will lure the carpenter ants and once they enter the trap, they will be unable to escape. Additionally, you can also use bait traps filled with a sweet substance such as jelly or honey. Place these traps near their nests and near potential entry points. These traps can be reused multiple times and should be checked regularly for effectiveness.

How To Get Rid Of Carpenter Ants In Walls


Employ Natural Solutions

Once you have identified that you are dealing with carpenter ants, checked for moisture in walls, sealed up the entry points and removed food sources, you may want to consider employing natural solutions. Natural solutions involve luring the carpenter ants out of their nest with frass (fine sawdust), mixing borax with sugar water to put near their nest, and laying bait traps around your house. This can be effective in getting rid of carpenter ants without using insecticides or chemicals.

Check for Holes in Wooden Furniture

It is important to check for holes in wooden furniture and walls as carpenter ants will often make their nests in these areas. If you find any small holes in your walls, it is best to cut away pieces of sheetrock and drill holes through the wood so that you can get rid of any nests. You should also check for wet and decaying wood, which may need to be replaced. If you suspect carpenter ants, it is best to identify them and inspect your home thoroughly for any signs of their presence.

Apply Insecticides

Once you have identified the nesting sites of carpenter ants, it is time to apply insecticides to get rid of them. Insecticides can be sprayed directly onto the nests and entry points. Make sure to keep your family and pets away from the area while applying insecticides. Additionally, it is important to read the instructions on the product label carefully before use.

Conduct Regular Inspections

Regular inspections are critical for keeping carpenter ants away from your walls. Inspect your walls and furniture for any signs of carpenter ant activity. Look for small piles of sawdust-like material, called frass, near the walls or cracks. Also, pay attention to any strange noises coming from the walls — these could be a sign of carpenter ants. Finally, keep an eye out for any trails of ants entering and exiting from the walls. If you notice any of these signs, it is important to take action before they can cause further damage to your home.

Contact Professional Pest Control Services

If you’ve tried all the other methods to get rid of carpenter ants in your walls, and none of them seem to be working, then it’s time to contact a professional pest control service. Professional pest control services can provide you with the necessary tools and knowledge to effectively get rid of carpenter ants. They will also be able to provide you with advice on how to prevent future infestations. With their help, you can be sure that your walls will be free from carpenter ants for good.

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